Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Driving a cycle-taxi / pedi-cab in Copenhagen

As a means of learning more of the city, meeting new people, staying fit, and making a little cash, I've begun driving a cycle-taxi. Yes, it is as heavy as it looks and riding into the wind feels like you have an open parachute behind you. In a week or two there will be an electric motor attached to help with the small hills and improve acceleration from a stopped position. I can carry up to three full sized adults in decent comfort, and typically I can make anywhere from $100-$500 per day, depending on the weather, the day, and if there are any events happening in the city. The best time is at night when people are leaving the bars. Apparently alcohol makes you a big tipper!

From trikes and velomobiles

From trikes and velomobiles

From trikes and velomobiles

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